My friend Charles gave me this Elizabeth Gilbert book in 2016. He and I have both been drawn to the invitation to create. To source.
Gilbert says, p 161 — “Let yourself fall in love with your creativity.”
Yup, I quite like that.
Gonna take a break from blog writing. This week. Maybe next week also.
Later this week I’m hosting pastors in a 5-day retreat. Gonna love some creativity there. Under the theme of team-building and community-engagement. I love the learning journey aspect of this group.
Later this week I’m hosting an online workshop — “Made Fresh”. Gonna love some creativity there also. Offering a few simple things that create immediate connection amongst a group of people.
I quite love that in both of these places the organizers had given me invitations to create whatever I wish. They too, look for big magic, a breath of life.
See you on the other side.