In my living room at my home is a coffee table. That’s the dark brown color above. It’s a table gifted to me from a dear friend, fifteen years ago. The table, like the friend, is well-loved.
Last week, Wednesday through Sunday, Quanita Roberson was at my home. Given the scale of work and life that we encounter together, these are important days. To plan. To play.
It’s true that we are planning much. There’s calendars. There’s spreadsheets. There’s important questions. There’s important pause. There’s things to be written. There’s calls to be made.
And, there is creation of a hearth. Hearthing. Our center for those days was my coffee table. You can see the artifacts. Certificates for an upcoming group. Tarot cards brought by Quanita — I’m still drawn to the one with the blue butterfly. A candle burned through each of the days. Bells. Post-it notes representing some of what we talked about.
The outcomes of our days together are many layered. Friendship is an outcome. The planning details are an outcome. The clarity. The new directions. The clear yes’ and the clear no’s — these are all outcomes.
However, the one that stays most with me is the hearthing. Feeling the deep resonance of life energy that is created with a touch of ceremony, around things that we care about. Being with life. Being with life offerings. Being with life learnings. At a pace that welcomes bellies, hearts, and minds to remember the fire.
I’m grateful.
This was so helpful to me today. I have a meeting today that is a reconvening of a group that has been missing one of its members for several months and recently experienced a communications glitch, possibly reflecting a lack of shared trust or connection. Reading your post, I immediately understood the need for a bit of hearthing with our group, which can be done very simply. I knew immediately what I could do to facilitate our hearthing, which felt like medicine for the anxiety I’ve been feeling around our reconvening.
Thank you, thank you.