Two themes are with me over the last few days.

On the left above is a changing blackboard at a coffee shop that I was at on the weekend. It’s “wanderful” that most caught my attention. It was invitation. To wander is both sacred and playful practice to me. My best learning so often happens close to a wander. My most playful questions also so often inside a wander.
The second image is from the cover of one of Meg Wheatley’s books, Perseverance. This one came out in 2010. Meg remains a friend and guide to me. Our friendship is now one of my oldest. Perseverance describes some of her encouragement. It also describe an important thread of her learning and living, seeking to create meaningful ways — some sticking to it that I appreciate.
So, yah. A couple of themes that I’m finding grounding in the long and the short term. A bit of simplicity of message too, to guide these great journeys of life.