Tweets of the Week

  • RT @benjaminaaron: “If you read what you wrote last year and are not embarrassed by it, you are not making progress.”
  • Robert Swan (from a Tim Merry email): “We’re not going to save the world by email. You really have to come over and say hello.”
  • Quite a lovely and lengthy piece on organizing through emergence from good friend / colleague in Utah:
  • RT @drz0: #CollegeTaughtMe: The aim of education should be to get people to shift from the surface to something substantive.
  • From meeting, shared stories. From stories, dreams. From dreams, stuff that works. Ryman on Ctr 4 Parenting Excellence
  • Steve Ryman on leadership in health care amidst $ deficit: “We didn’t cut people. We asked for ideas. Some took a few weeks. Some months.”
  • Steve Prather on urgency in health care: “The health care economy is not sustainable. It will collapse the larger economy unless we change.”
  • Working health care – Midvale City last night with Steve Prather. Today creating programs with Steve and Steve Ryman.

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