One of the stories that I tell myself is that we (people in general and in very specific circumstance) need more wisdom. It’s not more data and knowledge, it’s more integration.
In our jobs. In our families. In our communities. In the circumstance we are called to live in these times.
Not more default, narrowed thinking. Not more fear, restricted imagination. Not more lists of details, masquerades in volume.
Wise and soulful is what Quanita Roberson and I often say to ground our work. So that we (people in general and in very specific circumstance) can participate in mystery and contribute to evolutions. With kindness, consciousness, and flow with life.
The Wisdom Series above is one of the formats Quanita and I created to cultivate such wisdom. It offers a smaller bite of food from the same plate that is our bigger Fire & Water leadership journey and rite of passage.
Over four weeks online, we intend to cultivate relationship with forgiveness, including the aspects of anger, grief, compassion, and grace. To bring more honesty and truth-telling. To bring more wisdom.
Thank you for considering signing on, and gifting a registration to another. It’s two hours every Thursday in February. With small and intimate community in some pretty sweet connection together and a few important teachings to guide.