On Communities of Belonging and The Circle Way

Kristie McLean is a friend through The Circle Way. She travels. She photographs. She writes poetry. She presences herself and invites it with others. Exquisitely.

Kristie writes of some of her travels in Ethiopia and the circles of belonging that she encourages. It’s moving. And excerpt of her witnessing is below. Read her full article here.

Circle is not about fixing. Neither is international aid work. I’m a firm believer that both require deep listening, tools to instill personal resilience and a sense of shared care for everyone present. There’s a sacred recipe needed: an honoring of “what is” and gentle inquiry into “what can be.” Often, we really do know our own best solution. Or we can glimpse it through the eyes of those illuminated on the perimeter.

Here’s to this clarity and conviction, and deep, poetic seeing in all of us.

Thanks Kristie.

It’s In Every One Of Us

There are many versions of this video and song below.

Beautiful message. Beautiful invitation. Beautiful simplicity.

Thanks Teresa Posakony for sharing this version.

It occurs to me in watching this one, this time, that I paid more attention to the “everyone of us” part. The part that points to what is uniquely available because we are together (or temporarily allow ourselves to be), as an entity and being, and not available when we (yup, me) live the seductive illusion and distraction of separation.

I’m glad to have varied formats in my life, including The Circle Way, that remind me of this through not just words, but remarkable experiences that change how we are and who we are.

The Circle Way Stories and Tips


I love this collection of stories and tips through The Circle Way and about practice of The Circle Way.

I’m proud of what has grown in this shift from Founder-Lead, Christina Baldwin and Ann Linnea, t0 Community-Lead that is the community and a small volunteer board (Sarah MacDougall, Beth Sanders, Amanda Fenton, Katharine Weinmann, Shelly Jurmain, Nancy Fritsche Eagan, me) and the many that have contributed before us.

Enjoy perusing and using.



Support Innovative Circle Initiatives

Resting at the root of all of the participative leadership work that I do is The Circle Way.

Sometimes it is explicit — we are learning and practicing The Components Wheel.

Sometimes it is implicit  — it would be nutty to not begin with a thoughtful startpoint (poem, quote, etc.) and a check-in.

Always, there is invitation to more thoughtfully connect and go together.

I believe we human beings — in our governments, in our education systems, in our nonprofits, in our corporations — need to further learn to bring out the best and the wise in each other.

I give to support all of that. 

Join me in that support this month?

Join the many others that are finding this practice of circle to be what makes all the difference.