Love Stewarding Us All — Toke Moeller

These words, shared from ten years ago, and again, reshared recently, from someone who has shaped much of my heart in this work of hosting. It’s Toke Moeller. His reflections speak to some of the process of stewarding and being stewarded.

For inspiration. And with gratitude to Toke.


This love is 
indeed stewarding us all 
and all there is 
– I have no doubt in that
To learn how to be stewarding
as I am being stewarded by life
is a gift of great proportion
I hear my heart singing to me
 in this moment 
So much space is there
 in that knowing of the reality of love 
as this life web of love weaves us
 into being alive for a wee while,
to meet others in companionship 
to be healed 
to come back to zero and enter ONE
– to know and to let go into
 a trust in trust
To know truly that this sweet kindness
 is our core 
– one and all
what a gift to be able to offer good work
 from such heart 
in service of this quality
that words can not ever reach
bowing from my center
to your center
I am in happiness
once again.

– toke 2009