Dads & Sons

This week, along with friend Roq Gareau, I hiked to Kanarraville Falls with my son Isaac, shown above. Yes, he’s taller than me now — that happened a few years ago. Isaac is going to school in Cedar City, Utah, about three hours south of where I live.

When I speak of what it is like to live in Utah, I often speak of it’s geography. The red rock is something I have not known or experienced in other places. It’s wild. It’s inviting. It’s rugged. It’s beautiful.

I love it that this was a hike that my son has taken before and that he wanted to show to me and Roq. We followed a trail, crossing a very chilly creek 8-10 times, eventually climbing next to falls cascading through the slot canyon. The red rock walls were 80 feet tall.

It’s something we’ll all remember.