Hosting Circle Online — Resources

Lots of good resources included in The Circle Way’s April Newsletter. It’s a good one to subscribe to if you haven’t already.

As I find myself sharing a lot these days, the limit to connection in online formats isn’t typically technical. The core invitation online is as it is in face-to-face gatherings — presence. The articles below are good guidelines to encourage that presence.

With many people finding themselves suddenly shifting their in-person circles and meetings to virtual/online, here are some previous blog posts and resources that might be useful:

I also got to include a piece, “5 Tips for Re-humanizing Meeting Structure and Process.” It complements an article by Slovenian, Natalija Vrhunc on using circle with medical teams.

For inspiration. Reach out if you want / need help with online circling.

Hosting Circle Online

Amy Lenzo is a friend that goes two decades back into the World Cafe community. Most recently, Amy, along with another friend Rowan Simonsen, and I have been creating and offering the online course, The Circle Way: A Deep Dive.

To explore deep dive feels utterly essential. There are skills to be learned, mistakes to be made, and companions to be found. Deep dive also requires a lot of discerning. There are some things that are just too big to open up together in the time that we have — they require some overnight cooking and alchemy with one another that I relate to in a face to face way. Or, deep dive invokes a reference with hope that the mere reference will stay with people and work within them. Sometimes it is just sharing one imagination that can shape a months worth of dreaming. This is something I hope for in all of us. It is, I believe, a willingness to let an insight travel with you.

Amy does a lot of online work. She is smooth, thoughtful, and wise. I’ve really been glad to be in her abilities and skills over the course of this deep dive. Stirred by our last session on April 19th, and inspired to open it further, Amy posted this piece on Hosting Circle Online. It’s good tips. It is good grounding. From invoking images to lighting candles. All about challenging us to a belief of what is possible when present to oneself, to each other, and to the invisible yet ever so real fields that redefine time and space.