Heart Tugs & Companions

Grateful today. For time with family over the last ten days. For a slowed and more spacious pace that accompanied end of year and holiday. These periods of connection and rest matter — I find they can reground me and many of us in the next paths or the resumed paths that we need.

Tender today also. Today marks a goodbye and send off for my daughter and son-in-law, moving to New York for some of their next path. As my daughter says, “it could be 2-5 years or forever.” I have so loved accompanying each other in shared local geography. I have so loved the ease of walks with my daughter and dad/daughter dates. And a bunch of other things. I have so loved playfulness with son-in-law, and brilliance. And a bunch of other things.

Grateful today for the many ways that life continues to open. There is a flow that I relate to. There is a surrender that is tumbling forward. I need extra reminder of this on days like today, in the transition and tenderness.

Some simple words from new friend Lisa Hess are part of that reminder for me today. When I met Lisa in November 2019, it was easy to see her wisdom and thoughtfulness, some of that which is included in her book, A Companionable Way, and in a chapter called, Seeing With The Heart:

“Leap and the net will appear.” You don’t see the net first, then decide. You don’t see the abundance or devotion and then choose to enter in. You sense nothingness first. Loneliness that, in time, and only in its own time, becomes solitude. Which paradoxically leads you right into an overwhelming intimacy with oneself, the world, and those who then are simply, seemingly irresistibly, drawn to you, or better, the river of devotion that can come through you.

Glad for friends. For family. That help companion us in these days of heart tugs. And that we get to companion.