Yup, a nice little piece from Michael Meade.
I relate. Sometimes it’s the call of vocation. Sometimes it’s the call of a day in a life of vocation. Sometimes the call is with family. Sometimes it’s the call with one particular person in a family.
What lives nearby to call, is often courage. And clarity. And a good friend or two. And a good community or two.
And just to twist ever so slightly, it’s true that the problem is fear of responding to the call — except when it’s not. Because I can see those times too, when I, and others near me, completely went for it and became part something bigger flowing.
Glad for such encouragements and such connections. Glad to live in relationship to calling.
When I read about Call and Response, I feel the letting go. I fall into the sacred flow, stop fighting the current. Thank you for your words this beautiful morning, Tenneson.