Yes, I’m going to promote and celebrate this book, Most Mornings, with a few posts. With intent to offer a bit of context that goes with the publication. I’m a person who tends to appreciate some of the story under the story.
First, I wrote most of it in November 2021. So, winter was arriving in the geography that I live in. I gave myself five days, writing 3-5 sessions per day. Each session was 90ish minutes. It was kind. Between writing sessions I didn’t challenge myself to do much else. I rested in the sun shining through south-facing window. I went for walks. I typically had a candle lit. I ate simple foods — more grazing that full meals. And I challenged myself to write so as to create a publication.
Second, I did not know the title, nor the form, nor the number of poems when I began writing. I just began and followed what arose as I wrote. That’s a practice and value that I find extremely helpful — start anywhere and follow it. The title arose somewhere in the middle of those five days of writing. Much was written from my lounger that faces the window. Most was written as I looked outside to spacious skies. It was after that that I started theming “most mornings” into a few extra lines of poems — feeling the commonality of people in their mornings readying for the day.
Third, I give myself permission not to polish everything in that first writing. That’s not the time for it. I definitely followed my intuition though. Some images came alive and I couldn’t not follow them. Some sentence structure danced in front of me and I simply joined in. The appearance on the page became rather important to emphasize a few lines and a few themes. So, some polishing is part of the creation. But no where near finished. Phase 1 of the polishing was through December. Phase 2, with the help of Robi Gareau, was January – March, 2022. April and May were final details and a few proof copies so as to know the feeling of holding the book.
Fourth, the poetry writes me. I’ve talked with so many writers now, and more generally, so many artists, who express something similar. The words come through me. The images arrive in my belly. The shape knows its way within me. Of course there are moments when I slip into trying too hard. That’s when I’d go for walks. Or jump to another section. Behind all of the writing included is a strong orientation to feeling words onto page.
Fifth, the poetry is an offering. I care a lot about what it looks like, etc. I care a lot about it feeling belly true. And I care about offering the poems in a way that they might land in the reader’s belly, sparking inspiration. Or clarity. Or a moment of pause. Or a moment of smile. Or an interruption to what so often can feel like unstoppable noise. To come to receive poetry is to nurture an inner artistry of both the writer and the reader. And it has a lot to do with finding our way in our respective days.
As before, purchases appreciated. For self or as gift for another. Though not written particularly for men, there are a few extra references that speak to men’s journey.
I have a friend who is leaving for a month-long journey with friends and family. I’ve insisted that he pack this book, sight unseen and cover unbroken, into his bag. I told him to trust me on this. Of course, he said yes.