My Independent Writings: Available Now

In My Nature by tenneson woolf writing cover light brown paper texture available on amazon

In My Nature

CentreSpoke 2023. This collection was important to me, as I went through a season of leaning in and learning about my relationship with my own nature and with the nature that is near me. It was the birds. It was the peach trees. It was the zucchini growing. It was memories of my Mum, of my Grandma. I hope the simplicity offered speaks to a simplicity in you.

Available for purchase in paperback or kindle versions through Amazon.

tenneson woolf writing most mornings poetry cover candle dark background available on amazon

Most Mornings

CentreSpoke 2022, This collection offers verse to both my work and to my communal and solo living. As I describe in the Introduction, “This collection of poems comes from some of my sense-making that so often happens in the morning, nurtured by overnight sleep. These poems sample practices. They sample learnings. They sample insights and discoveries. They sample dilemmas and concerns. They range from simple and clear appreciations to more complex and murky wonderings about how to be in the world of these times. I offer these verses to invite essences to lead, as poetry often does, and to invite discovery of what can only live between the lines.

Available for purchase in paperback or kindle versions through Amazon.

tenneson woolf writing the circle way essence cards front and back cover on white paper

The Circle Way Essence Cards:
Simple Notes to Inspire Skillful Practice

2019, Tenneson Woolf, Quanita Roberson — There’s 28 cards in each set, 6″ x 8″ in size. Full color. They come in a little cotton bag. $20 USD + shipping. These cards were fun to make. They have short descriptions, a few diagrams, and highlighted essences related to practice. Created with hope that they will guide and inspire helpful circle and connection practice. In organizations. On teams. In community. In family.

To purchase, contact and reference “The Circle Way Essence Cards.”

tenneson woolf participatory leadership church and community ministry journal journey

Participatory Leadership Journal: Church and Community Ministries, United Methodist Church

2015, with Kathleen Masters — This was a significant effort with Kathleen and many others that are salt of the earth people from four groups: Church and Community Ministries, Global Ministries, Projects, and Conference Partners. It’s one part methods and models of participative leadership, particularly applied through a faith community lens. It is another part story, three years worth of stewarding and culture making. It is another part tips and guidelines to improve practice applying Art of Hosting to faith communities.

Contact tenneson@tennesonwoolf for PDF. Suggested contribution, $10-20 USD via PayPal. Or, request hard copy from me ($20 USD + Shipping).

tenneson woolf writing a cadence of despair book cover bicycle brick wall black background available on amazon

A Cadence of Despair: Poems and Reflections on Heartbreak, Loss and Renewal 

(CentreSpoke, 2020) — This is a book that is about coming into relationship with despair, including some of my experience with descent and ascent, which offers a kind of map for growing that many of us are encountering now. It’s highly personal material that maps the personal to the universal.

Available for purchase in paperback or kindle versions through Amazon.