You know how an important question has the ability to change everything? To help get unstuck. To inspire new energy. To bring clarity. Sometimes it is a question with self. Sometimes it is one asked with others. Often, this kind of question is very value-centered for me — reminding me of what I care about.
I got one of those questions about a month ago that felt as fresh as morning mountain air. It was connected to the Flow Game community of practitioners. It was a question that came, like many other important questions I have experienced in my life, from Toke Moeller, with whom I now have 20+ years of friendship, colleagueship, and journey.
What if it weren’t about solving problems, but rather, about practicing peace?
Thanks Toke. And others who contributed to such an important wonder. Fresh morning mountain air.
I am a person that generally has chosen to live by some value-centered questions. I think it is when I do my best work and live my most peaceful life. Because I’ve learned that curiosity within oneself and together with others matters. Because I’ve learned that wonder and wander contribute medicine to the heart. Because I’ve learned that core and essential questions have desire for not only us to live with them, but for them to live with us.
On September 21, 2021, to honor International Day of Peace, many Flow Game practitioners will host Flow Games around the world, inviting hundreds of people to gather around this overarching question — What if it weren’t about solving problems, but rather, about practicing peace? Hundreds will gather to get insight. To welcome inspiration. To be with a core and simple question. To find the courage to practice peace within and without.
I’m so glad to have this question live in me. And to contribute a bit of energy toward peace inner and outer, in the small group that I’ll be with, knowing it is connected to other groups around the world.
I’m so glad to have a question that brings my heart alive with images and practices of peace.