The next workshop is September 28, 2023. 90 minutes online. Held in English. Offered at two time zones.
Full description and registration links are here. Please join.
Here’s the why for you, for me, for many of us…
- There is hunger and need among many of us for environments of realness. For connection. For depth in the simple things that change who we are and how we are together.
- So many of us seek ways to find more of what affirms life in ourselves and in our groups of affiliation — be they work teams, community committees, partnerships, or families.
- Circle turns us to one another. It also turns us to parts of ourselves lesser known.
- Story creates sharedness, and universality from the personal. It creates breath and belonging.
- I’ve created this Pop-Up workshop because I’m a hungry learner in my craft that is facilitating groups to more wise, kind, helpful, and life-giving experiences.
- Pop-Up Workshops are my way of bringing real-time learning to others — particularly group-process people or team leaders or managers or humans — that need insights and stuff to try as they evolve how people go well together.
Here’s the what you get, what we get together…
- welcome and hello (context and check-in)
- an exercise (or game) on the topic of the month
- harvesting (noticing insights and applications)
- goodbye (deliberate check-out)
- followup email with workshop design that you can use in your facilitating
Welcome. Bring your learning. Bring your desire to evolve facilitation to something better.
I’m appreciating, even in this post, the expansion of language for some Circle elements, e.g., harvesting. This helps me recognize that for folks who have not experienced these elements, they need just a very brief note to give context.
Good, Saoirse. It’s a path for any of us to integrate learning (and language) to practice (and heart habit). Cool.