Katie Kinnemeyer on the H2H Podcast

Katie Kinnemeyer was my most recent guest on the Human to Human Podcast. Have a listen. Share as inspired.

Our first topic was “field learning” but we covered much more.

Lots of fun. I’ve known Katie over the last 5-6 years. She has a brain and a heart that I appreciate. In this podcast, she shares some of the core of her unfolding work. We touch upon field working, field listening, emergence, sense-making, her work with women entrepreneurs, relationship with slowing down, with calling, and with her orientation to generosity and prosperity. I appreciate her voice, a voice of wisdom gained, and wisdom in process. 

On Katie (www.katiekinnemeyer.com)

Katie Kinnemeyer holds entrepreneurs in the unfolding of their soul’s mission through group experiences. She mirrors a higher imagination of what’s possible in their work by seeking what is alive and emergent in her clients’ journey. She advises on the design and facilitation of deeply transformational, integrous, activating journeys through powerful, attuned group facilitation. Katie lives her charmed life in Cincinnati, OH.

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