Joy Is An Outcome

Daybreak Utah, Ponds, Joy, Sunset, Reflection, Learning

One, I just like this picture.

Dana and I walked last night. Close to sunset. In the warm, dry evening of an Utah summer. There are a few ponds where we walk. I loved seeing this mamma duck with three ducklings in setting sun.


Earlier in the day, I’d been reflecting on joy. On the importance of noticing joy — micro doses. Because they exist with the other micro and macros doses of sorrow and struggle. It’s grown-assed humaning to not forget that.

I’ve been learning — joy is an intention, a good one. Joy is an objective, a potent one. Joy is a deliverable, a fruitful one.

I asked it reflectively with a team yesterday — “As you think back on our weekend hosting together, what is one thing that brought you joy?”

I just like the picture. Yes. And I just like the enlivening that is joy.

Working this at a few layers. Glad for it. And for learning with others.

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