Excited about this. Please join as inspired. Thx for forwards, also as inspired.
It’s online, January 20, 2024 — 9:00 – 12:00 Mountain Time (Salt Lake City, Utah).
It’s sponsored by Tacheria, an organization focused on interfaith spirituality. It’s my friend and colleague (froleague) Cathy Stafford that invited me to offer an online workshop on Circle. I loved our process of thickening and honing the purpose through our conversations.
Kinda proud of this description for the workshop. Because it points to the underneath stuff that most of us wish to practice personally and with people in causes that we care about.
First the title: Reimagining Together — isn’t this the wish of most of us. What also could this school be? Or this team? Or this community? How might we reimagine what it means to go together in wisdom? And in kindness? And in helpfulness? And in other life-giving ways? It invites reimagining what is possible, and I believe, a feeling that our hearts already know.
And then the subtitle: A Community Workshop that Reclaims Story and Skills for Going With Heart. Yup, that too points to the wishes of so many of us. We want to reclaim a story that invites us fully to presence, community, belonging. We want skills. We want animated spirit. We want meaning. We want breath.
You can read the rest of the description that Cathy and I wrote on the Tacheria page. And you can register.
Reimagining — it is some of the most tender, and fierce, calling that I know, and that so many of us keep practicing forward.