As this Putin-lead Russian invasion of Ukraine now approaches a week, there are so many layers of response. I see clips of local and abroad Ukrainians appealing for peace and denouncing war. I see clips of local and abroad Russians also calling out for peace and denouncing war.
One part of all war is an information and communications battle. Misinformation is deliberate. That’s amplified in the webbing of a social media connected world. Sorting the false information — the lies and the bullying threats — are part of that.
I’m glad for this 9 minute video from Ukrainian President Zelenskyy. He is speaking to the Russian people in hopes of cutting through Putin propaganda. I hear him as speaking from his heart. This clip was shared with me by someone whose heart I trust (thanks Toke).
I’m sharing here to lift a bit of heart and clarity that can point to what is needed now and beyond days of war — healing and wholeheartedness — to attempt peace in the inner world and in the outer world.
With a somber, yet encouraged heart. And with invitation to pass along in whatever form aligns with you.
wholeheartedness and healing … loving your heart and clarity
Thank you for sharing this, Tenneson. Like you I feel the voice of Volodymyr’s heart reaching into the space to meet other hearts. It met mine. My family comes from this region of moving borders. We are “Ukrainian/Polish” Canadians and we are also part of a human family so I feel this in my ancestral DNA. Even if few “Russian” people actually hear this, it feels important to have the energy of this message alive and moving in the world.
I was recently blessed by being part of a global Zoom gathering with a member of the Mohican nation, Shawn Stevens (Red Eagle). He spoke about the word “indigenous”, how it is a ‘way of being that follows our connections to each other and the earth’. He spoke his teachings and various prophesies – that we are all related, all made from the same earth. Then he shared a short story-scenario which I shall summarize as this: “If right now we were all standing together in a room and I asked you where your ancestors came from, we’d all point in different directions. If we got on a spaceship and blasted off into space and I asked the same question, we’d all point in one direction. To earth, our home. ”
Love to you (and dear Toke, too) on this first day of March!
Michelle xo
“…point to the earth…” Yes, thank you Michelle (Shawn Stevens).