In the last few months I’ve been able to do some work with friends at the local Impact Hub in Salt Lake City. They are good people, who I really enjoy, including Dustin Haggett, Soren Simonsen, Ane Axford, and Ryan Chatterton.
One of the things I love about these people is their commitment to an “impact ecology.” Bringing good ideas to life and scale. Good ideas that make sense now. Green Bike was the one that caught more of my attention yesterday. It is a bike share system in the core of SLC that helps people get around, reduces carbon footprint, builds community consciousness, and I would say influences city planning.
People at the Hub SLC, now numbering 200, are generally people that:
- get it that being together is different and more than being alone.
- have a natural spirit of entrepreneurship, co-working, and collaboration.
- are committed to social good and an impact ecosystem.
This means that people in the Hub are there, not only for the co-working space, but for the “idea” that is the Hub. For the idea and dream of culture making in Salt Lake City — creative, smart, adaptive, doers.
This was evident last night in the “members dialogue” that I hosted for them. Twenty-five people joined to explore questions about what they value most significantly at this hub, and what they need to make their big dreams happen.
Our format was simple:
- 30 minutes mingle, munch, wine, cheese
- 10 minutes introduction and context setting
- 5 minutes partner conversation — Why did you choose to come to this dialogue tonight?
- 30 minutes Round 1 World Cafe conversation table and mapped group harvest — What do you value most about this Impact Hub?
- 60 minutes Rounds 2 and 3 World Cafe and harvest with sticky notes — What do you need to make big dreams happen here?
“Less lonely lone rangers” was one of my favorite comments from the question on values. And plenty more that you can see on the harvest paper.
It’s impressive. A group that has a strong but informal commitment with one another to be curious, offer ideas, ask for help, connect with other smart people, often under the same roof that is the buzz of this Impact Hub.
Very exciting Tenneson — I’m so glad to hear that the ‘insides’ of the Salt Lake Impact Hub are being considered . . . how this group of young movers and shakers are coming to know themselves, as a group. It makes for a strong system! Your expertise and guidance is awesome.