Art of Hosting Stewards

Ria, Donna, Tom Hurley and I have had recently had a wonderful conversation and listening into the center of the hosting the stewardship around the question that was born in the open space session at the AoH on Aoh in Belgium in June.

How can we best host the emergence of the next level of AoH steward and fellowship?

What does it really mean to steward and host forth stewardship ?

See our harvest here and the listening piece – a Scottish ancient Bowl of Welcome below

Photos, Harvests

November 6-7, 2009 — The Canadian Media Guild
Toronto, Ontario — Presidents Council
Blog Post (Links to Photos and Design at the bottom)

September 25, 2009 — Salt Lake Center for Engaging Community
Salt Lake City, Utah — Sustainability Summit
Harvest Blog Post — Invitation, Photos, Open Space Session Harvest, Landscape Map

September 4, 2009 — Men’s Gathering
Waitakere, New Zealand — He Wananga

August 27-30, 2009 — Art of Hosting
Wellington, New Zealand — Innovating From Within

July 29 – August 1, 2009 — Disciples of Christ
Indianapolis, Indiana — General Assembly World Cafe and Participative Learning
Movement for Wholeness Website — Great collection of video, stories, reports, photos, questions

June 28-July 1, 2009 — Art of Hosting
Gold Lake Mountain, Colorado — For People Asking Urgent Questions About Money Issues
Photos: People, Images, Flipcharts
I Hope You Dance: Reflections from Mary Sullivan, Lyrics from LeAnne Womack
Gather Your Clients for Community Conversations: Article by Elizabeth Jetton

More Photos: From Elizabeth Jetton

June 17-21, 2009 — Institute of Noetic Sciences
Tucson, Arizona — BiAnnual Conference
Photos: Including Graphic Recordings from Julie Gieseke

May 26-29, 2009 — Canadian Labour Congress
Cornwall, Ontario — Education Advisory Committee Training

Invitation: Learning Circle
Open Space Discussion and Actions Plans (from Esther Matte)
Closing Circle Reflections: Plus a poem used to close, and a juicy participant comment
Video: Power in the Union
Feedback from Participants
Reflections from Tamara Levine
Summary Report (from Chris Corrigan)

May 14-17, 2009 — Leadership in a Self-Organizing World
Leavenworth, Washington
Video: Thomas Arthur, Ashley Cooper and Others
April 27-30, 2009 — Art of Hosting
Ottawa, Ontario — Open Enrollment
Day 4 Cafe Flipcharts from Geoff Selig — What do we know now about the power of conversation?
Day 4 Cafe Postits from Christian Lord — What do we know now and how are we going to tell Joe / Joeanne?
Photos — A few unedited
Endorsements — From participants

Intentions — from Chiara Borrello in Worldle
Intentions — from Chiara Borrello (Prayer Flags)

March 30 – April 2, 2009 — Disciples of Christ
Indianapolis, Indiana — Art of Hosting: Creating a Movement for Wholeness
Invitation: How a Movement for Wholeness Helps Heal a Fragmented World
Photos: Best Of
Photos: Flipcharts
Photos: Other

March 22-25, 2009 — Art of Hosting: Strengthening Families
Springfield, Illinois — Open Enrollment Training

Invitation: Creating Healthy Communities So Children and Families Thrive

February 19, 2009 — Salt lake Center for Engaging Community
Salt Lake City, Utah — Conversational Leadership — World Cafe Workshop

Mark — Additional Photos

February 7, 2009 — Salt Lake Center for Engaging Community
Salt Lake City, Utah — Sustainability Summit Core Team

January 22-26, 2009 — International Disciples Women’s Ministries
Greensboro, North Carolina — Cabinet Meeting

Additional Resources (Invitations, Materials, Harvests, All Photos, Flipcharts)

January 19-20, 2009 — Providence Care
Kingston, Ontario — Leadership Symposium
Invitation Letter: Leading With Intention

November 13-16, 2008 — Art of Hosting
Tampa Bay, Florida — Open Enrollment Training

Photos and Community of Practice Page: Eric Weaver
Community in Practice: Serving the Emerging Community

October 3, 2008 — Salt Lake Center for Engaging Community
Salt Lake City, Utah — Sustainability Summit

Photos — Great collection from Bus
Video — 4 minutes from Eddie Firmage that captures some of the purpose and interation
Steward Team Planning Notes (121308) for Upcoming 3rd Summit

September 24-25, 2008 — New York City Department of Education
New York, New York — Partner Service Organizations Collaboration Meeting

Six Videos, including a great solidarity song, some play with ropes, Nancy’s teaching on Appreciative Inquiry, the sound of a community connecting to itself, and a harvest poem from Chris Corrigan.
From co-host, Nancy Egan, another set of photos.

September 9-12, 2008 — Canadian Union of Public Employees
Ottawa, Canada — Developing Local Union Leadership Planning Meeting

From co-host, Nancy Egan, additional photos.

May 7-10, 2008 — Art of Hosting
Tampa Bay, Florida — DaySpring Conference Center
From participant, Eric Weaver, a great collection of 106 photos that he offered to the group as a harvest. I see in this an immense connection among that group.
From another participant, Doug Bonar, photos set to music (4 minutes).
The Art of Harvesting (Chris Corrigan, 3 minutes)

April 10, 2008 — Southern Utah Wilderness Alliance
Provo, Utah — Faith and the Land: Conversations About Spirituality and Wilderness
Report Created by Terri Martin
SUWA Webpage — Other Reports, News Articles, etc.
May 2009 SUWA Invitation — A glimpse of how simple conversations grow into movements

April 6-8, 2008 — Partnership for Excellence in Jewish Education
Boston, Massachusetts — 2008 Assembly World Cafe for 1,200

April 3-6, 2008 — Art of Hosting
Boston, Massachusetts — Essex Retreat Center
Mine, as well as a few from Judy Wallace.

And, from Participant, Glen Lauder, a delightful man from New Zealand, a few below. He tagged these with “presence.”
Day 1
Day 2
Day 3
More Day 3

March 13, 2008 — Salt Lake Center for Engaging Community
Salt Lake City, Utah — Circle and Ceremony Workshop

March 6-7, 2008 — Utah Valley University Woodbury School of Business
Orem, Utah — Summit and Planning Meeting

February 25-28, 2008 — Navajo Health Services
Shiprock, New Mexico — Client System Training, Consulting

February 9, 2008 — Southern Utah Wilderness Alliance
Provo, Utah — Provo Wild Lands Dialogue Project

January 8-11, 2008 — Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE)
Ottawa, Ontario — Developers 2008 Planning Meeting

November 16-18, 2007 — Art of Hosting
Bangor, Pennsylvania — Kirkridge Retreat Center

November 5-7, 2007 — Pegasus Communications
Seattle, Washington — Systems Thinking in Action Conference

2007 Hosted Gatherings and Conversations — to remember the feeling of this work
and all the people it touches
Toke Moeller, Denmark

Deep Dive — 3 Days or a Year of 3 Hours?

Chris Corrigan, Gabriel Shirley, and I were talking this week about the a belief around time that shows up with our clients. Often, when proposing three days together, the response is some version of “we don’t have time for that.” The alternative proposed is usually some shorter time frame, two hours each time over several weeks or months. I loved how Chris voiced it — you can spend three days or a years worth of three hours.

I have worked in both contexts. I know the sweetness of three days and nights together that can go to the deepest levels — it opens the community to itself. It reminds me of speaking this sweetness and offering it as choice.


Yesterday I was in Seattle, sitting round a table with Juanita Brown, David Isaacs, Tom Hurley, Chris Corrigan, Bob Stilger, Teresa Posakony – what a wonderful group. We were searching for language to offer at a joint open house last night at the Systems Thinking in Action Conference. We were celebrating friendship and noticing, “friendship is a medium, born from connection and conversation, that makes, learning, change, and co-creation that much more possible.”

This reminds me of something Chris has spoken often about wise action that lasts. Sustainable change comes from relationships of friendship and love. This continues to inspire me and to help me see the important purpose of developing our friendships and love.