There is power in simplicity. And beauty. Like these birds. Gathering, then flying, then repeating. There is power in simplicity of group facilitation. And beauty. Gathering. Flying. Repeating.
I keep learning this.
Last night I co-hosted a group of faith community leaders. It was Zoom, Zoom — online for 2 hours, a group of eleven. It was a first meeting for me with this group in progress, imagining their way to their community’s next steps of planning and integration.
Our design was simple and beautiful.
Set Good Context
We spoke it out loud. “This meeting is about leadership and governance. Let’s do that well. What lives nearby leadership and governance is belonging and becoming. So that we lift connection. And courage. And compassionate action. In our leadership and our governance.”
Ask Good Questions (Circles); Then Listen
- Who are you? How did you come about love of church and community?
- Who are we? What’s possible? To do, to discover, to get messy with, to be inspired on behalf of, to evolve?
- Do you feel freedom to experiment? How might we grow that?
- What might we need to learn about “saying no to good things”?
- When we are further along in this work, what would you want to be proud of?
Close Well
What was one of the gifts you got tonight?
I keep learning. To trust simplicity. To trust the group with simplicity. And beauty. That helps the group go well together — leadership, governance, and community — with things they care about.
To gather. Then fly. Then repeat.