At the recent Art of Hosting event in Olympia, Washington, one of the teams I coached was those interested in harvesting. Over the course of three days, a group of about ten of us gathered four times to explore, define, discuss, imagine, and offer several aspects of harvesting.
I offered the above to initially frame the huddles. That there are layers of harvest (in red, content, process, relationship, and field). That there are some principles and practices (in green, including, to help be heard in a new way, that you can’t tell it all, that harvest is an offering of meaning making).
Over the course of meeting, I suggested three primary guidelines for the group to offer a variety of harvests: 1) that it offer an added layer of meaning-making, 2) that it be portable, something that others could take with them, and 3) that it be interesting to them personally.
Check these:
Photos from Jessica Riehl
Collage Drawing from Katie Hatam
Art of Hosting, a dialogue poem from Betsy Hale
Lucky 13 List of Learning from Kate Tavender
What’s in a Story Visual Mapping from Megan…
Video Recording (26 minutes), What’s In a Story from Harold Shinshato. This was a session I taught on key elements to hold the story of participative leadership. The video includes participant contributions. Password is AOPLOLY.
Bound To Hear One Good Thing, a dialogue poem from me.