The Podcast is where I have conversations with colleagues and friends about compelling themes. So many of us seek connection, learning, and practice. Human to Human explores that. Podcast episodes are monthly.

Recent Episodes
- There is so much that I love in conversations with Chris Jepson. We are new-ish connection. I love the beginnings of friendship and learning community with Chris. Chris represents something to me that I'm particularly appreciating. He's a younger man (30s) that is asking such conscious questions about life, about […]
- Many years ago, one of my most important mentors and friends offered this advice — Be Ceremonial! It was an eldering move. It was words that I've come to appreciate at many layers over the years. In both challenge and delight. In fact, these days my Sweetheart and I are […]
- Human To Human, The Podcast. It's conversations of learning, connecting. Unperformed. Authentic. Interesting people. A few questions. Human journey. I'm Tenneson Woolf, host. My home base for blog and other resources — Marlyn Diaz is my first guest of 2025. I know her through medical educators that my Sweetheart […]
- I'm experimenting to bring a bit of writing to a bit of voice. I've been blogging (writing) daily, Monday through Thursday for the last ten ish years. Today I reflect on three reasons for why I really do that — to live an attentive life, an appreciative life, and an […]
- Cory is a pal. A fellow mischief-maker. A fellow creator. He's got so many streams of learning that he brings to the conversation. Cory and I revisit the theme, Practicing Peace (we had previous podcast conversation in February). And, we leak a little of what we are creating in the […]
- So good to talk with Nadia. It's sharing life, sharing learning. It's exploring the extraordinary in the ordinary. It's commitment to joy. It's weaving that into practicing peace. Enjoy. I did. About Nadia von Holzen — Nadia is an experienced social innovator, workshop coach and facilitator. As the founder […]
- What a sweet collage of explorations and insights with Rowan. We go back to first meeting in 2010. It's been years of sporadic yet well-timed connection. Lots of shared inspiration. This collage includes a bunch. Clarity of the inner lived in the outer. That's peace. Memories of train rides. Invitations […]
- Such a delight! Toke brings it all. The art. The heart. The personal. The professional. The joy. The discipline. The story. The learning. I loved our conversation. I loved the long pauses when I could see Toke thinking. I loved his joy, and mine, to be in such learning and […]