From My Notebook

For me, my notebook tools that work best are a Moleskine, pocket sized book with blank pages (or another brand that has similar size, etc). I do like the soft-cover. For me, my pen of preference is a simple Bic 4-color pen. I love having color choices that speak to the visual learner in me.

As for the content above, this is an image that came last week in a guided meditation. It was during the harvest time from five days together. It’s what I’ver referenced in recent writings as an “energetic coherence.” This kind of coherence is an important response for me when asked about the purpose of gatherings. It’s true that we have things to do — all contextual. It’s also true that we have essential weaving to create together.

In my diagram, it’s important to have the spiral. Yes to the archetypal symbolism that is the spiral. I use it to invoke some of the mystery and the undefined that rests beneath groups of people, and among them.

In my diagram, it’s important to have the people mapped onto that spiral. I see it as a circle. This touches the belonging that can so often occur in a well held gathering. People feel a connection, articulated and sometimes not, that they feel nourished by. To me this is that coherence. It’s not meant to last forever with the same intensity. But it is meant — it is my experience — that this coherence changes who we are and how we go about what we do with more connection, learning, and love of experiments.

In my diagram, it’s important to add some other symbols that bring in the whole. The musical notes to appreciate songs sung. The trees represent nature enjoyed. This could also have food on it, but I wasn’t trying to get everything. These weave us further into such coherence.

It my diagram, in my way of seeing it, all of this grows the heart. It grows love. It grows a desire to be supportive. It grows a desire to learn deeply of the the things inner and outer.

In my diagram, I’ve overlaid the principles and practices that guided this gathering. Because they are rich. Because they are simple. Because they too, are what guide both the simple and the complex. Because they guide what is important now, and what needs a longer arc to unfold.

Yup, from my notebook, the visual part of me appreciates images and diagrams. It calls out some of the deeper levels that go with group process facilitation, with trainings, with hosting, with circling up, with operational living of mystery, with aspirational integration of heart, synced to a momentary coherence of community, and then carry to the next stop in a now.

Yup, that’s the kind of facilitation I love to do and love to collaborate on.

One Reply to “From My Notebook”

  1. “this coherence changes who we are and how we go about what we do with more connection, learning, and love of experiments.”

    connection, learning, and love of experiments … this reminds me of the basics, as does your drawing.

    “the belonging that can so often occur in a well held gathering. People feel a connection, articulated and sometimes not, that they feel nourished by. To me this is that coherence”

    be*longing … in a well-held gathering … people feel a connection they feel nourished by … this is that coherence

    I’m signed up for a gathering in July at the Grunewald Guild, a place that identifies their “mission” as art+faith+community, and their theme for 2023 as be•longing. The invitation: Come explore be•longing within a Spirit-infused community of creativity, learning, and play. The questions they offer: Who are you? Whose are you? For what do you long?

    In this place, and with the people who are drawn to this place, I feel belonging, connection within which I feel nourished, and invitation to joy and freedom and presence.

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