Ah, I’m feeling a continued deep appreciation this week for these poets of the Persian region. They are helping me to pause from the rigor of unrelenting tasks in a todo day. They are helping me dwell in the rigor of matters of heart and spirit. To take in my surroundings, like this newly harvested field near where I live. It’s rural engulfed in urban, which is then engulfed in majestic mountains.
May there by deep appreciation for all of us. And dwelling in what brings out much good.
From Hafiz, Drop the Knife
Once a young woman said to me,
Hafiz, what is the sign of someone who knows God?
I became very quite, and looked deep into her eyes, and replied,
“My dear, they have dropped the knife.
Someone who knows God as dropped the cruel knife
that most so often use upon their tender self and others.”
Yes. Drop the knife.