Daisy Proliferation

I was going to say, “daisy explosion,” but in a moment of gut check on default language use, opted for “proliferation.” Less aggressive. After all, it’s the beauty of it that moves me to share. Where I live, this is the time of year when daisies like this come out by the hundreds. And though I generally try to keep the tall grasses out of the daisies, there is a wildness that I like in the way that they reflect evening sun.

Easy questions in my mind and heart. I remain a person that pivots easily to a form of self and group reflection. What is proliferating in you? What do you wish proliferating in you? What is one beauty you are noticing? Where do you wish to welcome wildness? It’s never a test. It’s an invitation to listen to self and with others in informal circled format.

The second part of the pivot is always very simple and follows with another harvesting kind of question — And how might that (those responses) inspire what we are up to together? That’s for when I work with teams. Or when I want to weave our reflection together.

I suppose the proliferation I most seek is a wholeness of being human. In myself. In groups. In family. In community. It’s invitation. It’s slowing down. It’s noticing the daisies. It’s practicing wonder together. And a few simple, yet significant language adjustments that welcome gut check presence together.

Here’s to the daisies and the learning they evoke. The ordinary that welcomes a dance with the extraordinary.

2 Replies to “Daisy Proliferation”

  1. What is proliferating in you? What do you wish proliferating in you? What is one beauty you are noticing? Where do you wish to welcome wildness?

    All delicious questions. I have always loved noticing where a tree or a flower or maybe even a tall grass wants to land and plants itself amidst what seems inhospitable to new growth. Maybe it’s the part of me that recognizes my determination and persistence in discovering and living into my wholeness. Plus, I’m always one that loves the Mystery of how that all unfolds.

    And how might that inspire what we are up to together?

    I like being reminded of the wildness and the Mystery that lies within “the other.” When I become impatient with the neighbor who believes everything important can be captured within a spreadsheet and I notice my resistance and my desire to cry out I protest, can I be curious? Can I step back and wonder where wildness and Mystery might live in my neighbor, might even be revealed in this affinity for the magick of an all-encompassing spreadsheet?

    Ultimately, if I believe in wholeness, then that lies within my neighbor as well. And with softer eyes I mind find it shimmering in his spreadsheet ways.

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