Hmmm. Not quite sure where this one is going. But it matters to me. Keeps calling to me.
I quite like this photo from last week. Of Cedars. Felt like a council. Standing in circle. I suppose I wish to age with the wisdom of Cedars.
I was on a recent Zoom call with a friend that I respect and admire. He’s in his mid 70s. We’ve been exploring together monthly ish over the last three years. On this day, it was exploring a topic we both hold with genuineness — aging consciously. He at his mid 70s age. Me at my young 60s age.
He names three learnings. “One, I’m a bit slower. Two, I’ve learned a bit more about when to keep my mouth shut. Three, I’m a bit more focussed on purpose.”
Conscious aging.
Me too. It frustrates me to need be so quick. More accurately, it scares me a bit that I can’t be quite as quick as I have been. Not quite as quick mind. Hmm…, not quite as quick heart. I’m asking questions about what I hope is natural transition from the speed of it, so required in contemporary world, to the clarity. Hmm… Clarity is a form of speed. Hmmm?
Me too. I’ve needed to learn what is mine to take on, and what isn’t. It’s boundaries. It’s guiding when invited. Or inspired. But it’s also knowing that people need to be in their own paths of learning. Honoring that. Maybe coaching a bit.
Me too. It’s got to have clarity of purpose. I suppose this is back to the first point. Again, in transparency, it scares me a bit to lose sight of purpose. For myself. In a group. I notice I start to feel impatient. Hmm… Might be that aging with consciousness invites more focus — that’s a gift. But also the surrender to less breadth. Hmmm?
Yah. So, standing with these questions. And with a few friends. In a council. With patience. I hope with wisdom. Like with the Cedars.
Brilliantly true and helpful–from the perspective of 78.
Deep bow. Thank you Christina. Wowza!
I take this straight to heart at age 59…thanks Tenneson. I’ll especially recall and keep relating with: “It frustrates me to need be so quick. More accurately, it scares me a bit that I can’t be quite as quick as I have been. Not quite as quick mind. Hmm…, not quite as quick heart. I’m asking questions about what I hope is natural transition from the speed of it, so required in contemporary world, to the clarity. Hmm… Clarity is a form of speed. Hmmm?”
Spot on in my current experience.
Thx Nedi. Here’s to learning and celebrating more of that clarity, and more of that essence.