I’m loving many of the people I’m meeting these days. Chris Jepson is one of them. Recently he and I sat down for a Zoom conversation. Enjoy the listen here.
There is so much that I love in conversations with Chris Jepson. We are a new-ish connection. I love the beginnings of friendship and learning community with Chris. Chris represents something to me that I’m particularly appreciating. He’s a younger man (30s) that is asking such conscious questions about life, about meaning, about belonging, about purpose, about contribution. His way of being deepens mine.
Enjoy the listen to our conversation. And then find your stillness. Or find it in my Becoming & Belonging Series (online, Circle-based, hosted presence / learning).
About Chris:
Chris Jepson is a heart-centered leader who helps purpose-driven organizations bridge vision with effective coherent execution. He is a Canadian, a father of one, and a spiritual seeker. Chris has been following his emergent passions for the past 5+ years. This has led him on a journey from renewable energy to conscious entrepreneurship, and from Canada to Costa Rica and back again. Chris writes for joy, learns with endless curiosity, and shares honest reflections from the path less traveled — exploring consciousness, personal mastery, and the art of living from the heart.