Save Your Spot for this Circle Intensive

Circle Way, Leadership Facilitation, Learning Events

It’s October 23-26, 2024. At the Wasatch Center in Salt Lake City. I’m co-hosting and co-creating with Rangineh Azimzadeh Tehrani.

Details are here. Save your spot now.

Because Circle centers it all. It is the most simple of containers, yet so often the most lasting of learning. For self and for teams. For leadership and for life.

Here’s some of what we’ll cover.

Foundations of skilled Circle practice, including essentials from The Circle Way Components Wheel — practices, principals, and agreements.

Core orientations of meaningful Circle hosting, online and in face to face meetings — showing up, asking questions, listening acutely, speaking honestly, harvesting insights, practicing the most essential rhythms of Circle.

Clarity of deep Circle spirit — the importance of breath, the tangibility of belonging, the potency of a centered way of being individually and collectively.

A co-learning space that welcomes participants to share learnings from their circle traditions and experiences — we wish to weave and encourage broad field of practice.

Come solo or with a team.

Shades of Life; Shades of Learning

Kathy Jourdain, Jerry Nagel, and I recorded our 9th Shades of Life Conversation. Listen here.

These conversations are a delight. They are playful. Yet also purposed.

Shades of Life: Shades of Learning.

When I think “shades” I think hue (a particular family of colors), comfort (a shade tent), and expression (unique flavor). Our conversations have each of these.

Hue — I’d name the shade family as anchored in curiosity. And wonder. And in kind exploring.

Comfort — I’d name the shade comfort of our conversation as camaraderie. And laughter. And delighted expectation.

Expression — I’d name the unique flavor as desire to connect. And desire to feel alive in learning. And desire to dance with insight.

It’s really nice journey. And I think really nice pattern for how to be in learning community. Or friend communities that learn.

Enjoy the listen.