I Love a Big Sky

Utah Lake. Wasatch Mountains. Instructions for living. Go slow. Be centered. Start with joy.

I love a big sky. I also love high-rising mountains. Up close and in the distance. I love a watershed.

Big skies and mountains and watersheds, like this above taken recently near my home — well these inspire.

They calibrate. They offer perspective.

The perspective that I’ve been seeking lately (and that has been seeking me) is three things. I think of them as instructions for living. As values to embody. As frequencies with which to contribute.

  1. Go slow — Much of the world is frenetic. It moves quickly. I like the feeling, sometimes. I don’t like being stuck in it. The world needs ability to also go slow. To pace. To be thorough. To be celebratory of the moment. To bring dignity that doesn’t come from the paradigm of the instant and the microwave.
  2. Be centered — Much of the world is scattered. It gets busy. Yet so often, distant from a deeper purpose. I like experimenting. I hold “experimenting” as one of my gifts. One of my “can’t not do’s.” It matters to remember the more purposed story together. What are we doing, really? What do we care about together, really? What undeniably centers us?
  3. Start With Joy — It’s so often the smart start. Joy leads. It animates. It calibrates. It shifts energy. Joy clarifies the next step. Joy aligns. Joy guides. Joy resets.

I love a big sky. And mountains. And watersheds. I love instructions for living that have a way of clarifying so much of the picture.

Learn, Be, Do, Become

I just like this phrase — “learn, be, do, become.”

It’s a path for many of us. It’s deeper waters. It’s deeper waters that sometimes starts with one foot ankle deep, and then another.

I appreciate Circle because I find it brings joy. And centering. For the procedural of contemporary life. For the profound of contemplative life.

October 23-26, 2024 in Salt Lake City, Utah. I’m co-hosting and co-creating with Rangineh Azimzadeh Tehrani. I love the people that are signing on.

Reach back if you have questions or wish a little help imagining together — for yourself, your team, or whatever configuration of community you find yourself in.

“Breath and Belonging: A Circle Way Intensive lifts skill, practice, and imagination in the methodology that is Circle, and, in what lives beneath methodology — breath, belonging, return to center, and return to each other as a way of being.”

Save your spot.

What of Calibration and Disregulation?

Light, Circle, Calibration, Utah, Hosting Self, Hosting Others

Lately, I find myself interested in the phrase “calibrate.” As a verb.

Some friends have been using it lately. “Calibrate to stillness.” “Calibrate to silence.”

It points to an inner clarity. An alignment. Perhaps emotional. Perhaps more accurately, an energetic. A resonance.

I am interested in the practice that is calibrating. As a way of facing and inviting what is real. As a way of growing in gifts.

Lately, I also find myself interested in the phrase “disregulate.” As a verb.

Again, some friends have been using this to name emotional and energetic impact. “That conversation disregulates me.” It tends to connote a scattering of energy. Perhaps a scattering of emotions.

Again, it points to developing keen skills of awareness. Awareness of being off. Awareness of fear of being off.

I am interested in the practice that is regulating. As a way of facing and inviting what is real. As a way of strengthening gifts.


These phrases and practices aren’t new. For those that work and guide trauma-informed practice, these are basic. And for those that guide neuro-diverse ways, these are common.

It’s not just the big traumas. Sometimes its the little day to day emotional fields.

Thus the beauty of evolution. To understand more now of what couldn’t previously be mentioned at all.

I’m finding fruitfulness.

Calibrate. Disregulate. And regulate.

This photo above calibrates me. To light. To stillness. To love. From a recent walk with Dana. It makes me smile, which also calibrates.

Lately it is the book The Seven Whispers (Christina Baldwin) that is calibrating me. I’m reading it extra. Little bits here and there.

I’m interested in the words. In the verbs. In the regular day to day that is living fruitfully.

And, not a big stretch, I’m interested in what calibrates communally. Circle is a big part of that for me. Circle both pauses the disregulation. It also calibrates us to deeper integration.

Gonna to some of that here.


I’m interested.

Circle for the Granular; Circle for the Overarching Spirit

It’s October 23-26, 2024. In Salt Lake City, Utah. I’m co-hosting with Rangineh Azimzadeh Tehrani.

Save your spot. Details are here.

Here’s some of who it is for.

People everywhere seeking practices and formats for deep connection, learning, and experiments together.

Seekers. Meaning makers. Hosts and facilitators. Circle peeps from many traditions. Returning Circle Way folk wishing renewal and community.

All walks of life, all professions. Managers, facilitators, team leaders, consultants, coaches, entrepreneurs. Educators, artists, poets, musicians, faith community leaders, government administrators, community organizers, and social change activists.

Practitioners of connected culture everywhere.

Sign on here.