Blessed Again

A few reflections.

From a Thursday morning, a morning of departure. From a week of convening, learning, leading.

And a few gratitudes expressed.

Blessed again.
With people that show up
aawith love,
aawith learning.

Blessed again.
With heard and answered prayer
aaof hope,
aaof belonging.

Blessed again.
By life flowing
aahere, there,
aahere again, there again.


Whether opened to landscape, or to people in learning journey together, or both, something important is happening.

So much, so often, calls to us as human beings to find more conscious and kind ways to participate and to be guided.

A bow to the courage and natural flow in all of it.

Learning, Leading, Loving

Hello Arizona. Hello NGLI (Next Generation Leadership Initiative) participants. It is good to be in journey with you this week.

The theme for the cohort I get to guide with new colleague, Travis Winckler, is Relational Leadership. We are using the Art of Hosting pattern to shape experience around Team Building and Community Engagement with Skill and with Heart.

What a treat.

Learning. Leading. Loving.