A Lot of Beach — The Medicine of Now

A lot of beach over this last week. In San Diego. With my partner. With some family.

A lot of watching waves. Blue skies. Gray skies. Walks. Food. Games.

A lot of easy pace. Timelessness. Horizons. Not hurried. Great medicine.

I’m glad for it. Transitioning from end of year to new beginnings of 2024. Being with what is now. Enjoying it. Letting it go.

My friend Toke recently wrote it nicely.

As time and space
Dances in the rhythm
the heart
The Now
reveals itself
To be the forever
Most real

It’s good reminder.

May there be much real that arises. For each of us. For all of us. In this dance continued. In this dance beginning. In this dance discovered.

Please Join — A January Workshop on Courage

Greetings all.

I’ll be working a few themes in my 2024 Pop-Up Workshops. I’m excited to offer themes that guide to more depth inner and outer. In practice. In clarity. For those in leadership, facilitation, and working with teams and groups. It’s for those of us choosing new paths and for those of us clarifying and improving the paths on which we continue.

My first 2024 offering is January 25th. It’s online. On courage. And more clearly, on growing a robust and honest relationship with courage that grows our contributions with people near us in cause. Come for learning. Come for deepening. Come for community of learners.

All of the details and link to registration are here.

Thx for extending invitation to others — to come with you or on their own. I hope to see you on the 25th.

December Newsletter and Resources Are Here

Greetings All.

Grateful for many layers of connection. And learning. And experimenting. This year. And over the years.

My December newsletter is here. This one marks five years of quarterly newsletters to highlight a few insights and invitations. Thanks for perusing. And sharing. And signing on (a couple of online workshops in January).

I’m grateful for many dear colleagues and friends who insist grace. And peace. And going well together with groups. And fun. And depth. And richness. And clarity.

It is art. It is heart. It is skill in the granular. It is unwavering eye for the bigger picture. It is plans. It is serendipity. This hosting life. This life hosting.

Excited about what comes next year. In work and in life. Some bigger programs coming — the kind that have needed some gestation. And some continued regular flow of learning, teaching, hosting, coaching, writing.

Thank you to all — for our entanglements of 2023.

Life flows. I’m glad to feel it. And to wonder it to being together in 2024.

With heart. With appreciation.

Let Your Heart Be Light

Let your heart be light.


December musing.

The above image is a Christmas card sent to me by my New York based daughter and son in law. Last year. One that I’ve kept and now sits on a corner cabinet in my office. In shared home and abode with the sweetheart that has come into my life.

Let your heart be light.

Sent as Christmas cheer. But also, a pretty good guide for yearly living.

Let your heart be light — there’s the jovial part of that. A celebration.

Let your heart be light — there’s also the serious part of that. A commitment.

Be light. Let light shine. Celebrate light. Know light within. Know it and welcome it with others.

Heart. Hearts are heavy. Yes. They should be. Hearts are also light. Yes. That too. It’s a practice. Light guides.

What journey it is. Let light abode. Let your heart be sweet.


Let you heart be light.