The Prep Is In The Details; The Prep Is In the Guiding Spirit

Worldlink Medical, Creating Empowered Practice

This is a week of touching a few last minute preparations. I’ll be hosting two days with a group of medical providers seeking to transform their business models. It’s away from insurance-based tightly defined protocol. It’s toward what I think of as added liberation and artistry in care. It’s good to be amongst the yearning that is participants sharing a few stories in advance. And it’s good to with with the local hosting team that is learning its way to formats of participation and engagement together rather than keynote deliveries.

So, I, and we the team, are tweaking last details. Questions for a cafe. Materials for a new teach on “connection is the business model.” Formats that deepen traditional panels and presentations to more animated group learning. Process for harvesting tool-kits, both at the layer of next step, and at the layer of guiding insight. In our case, all in support of empowered practice, empowered people. Clarity. Liberation. Artistry.

Yup. The prep is in the details. Know the plan. Integrate it well for a two-day format. And the prep is in the guiding spirit, doing the work under the work. To meet these people where they are in mind and heart. To invite them to go just a bit further.

The Hungers that Circle Satisfies

Rangineh and I recently talked through a few Circle stories. Some of the places and spaces that we’ve been hosting Circle. Rangineh talks local government and highly relational initiatives that often aren’t so relational in leadership. I talk corporate and the inherent hunger that people have for wisdom and intelligence together. Together we connect the desires and needs that so many have — for authenticity and more connected ways of being.

The video is here, posted on The Circle Way website. It also comes with transcript. The website continues to curate many resources on Circle — snoop around.

Join us October 23-26, 2024 in Salt Lake City for A Circle Way Intensive. We’ll continue the conversation there. And the learning. And the practice. And the celebrating.

From the Elders of the Hopi Nation

It’s a simple piece. Often quoted. To guide meaning-making and presence-practicing.

I’m reading it today from within my friend Meg’s book, Perseverance.

“Know that the river has its destination.
The elders say we must let go of the shore.
Push off into the middle of the river,
and keep our heads above water.”


It speaks that reminder that I so often appreciate. Not only do we live life, life lives us. There is some surrender in that.

How freeing.

And on it goes.