Such Richness

Such richness.

The way setting sun
offers last goodnight
to rippling creek.

The way mamma duck
guides five little ones.

Such richness.

To know simple delights
in this rich life.

People That Bridge Us

Bridge, Utah, Love Poem, Love Found, Love Bridged

I love this image near where I live. It is the distant rusted bridge over a creek. As seen from the up close concrete bridge under a road. That captures me. Got me thinking. And writing.


People That Bridge Us

There are people that bridge us,
that transport us, 
from that to this.

Ones that wake near,
eyes slow to open,
yet with grinning first smile,
light the hearth path whole.

There are people that bridge us,
that travel with us, 
from there to here.

Ones that companion the days,
caring for the ordinaries,
yet with delighting anticipation,
celebrate the magic extraordinary.

There are people that bridge us,
that traverse with us, 
from lost to loved.

Ones that insist bloom,
sturdy amongst steady winds,
yet with Day Lilly softness,
whisper the home long sought.

Life Is

Daybreak, Flow, Stones, Balance, Life, Utah

Life is what is in front of me.

It is what I see and feel
watching waters flow by this stone.

Life is what I give myself to.
With love.
With learning.

It is following each hunch
to connection.

Life is letting go the worry.
The busyness.
The hurt.

It is celebrating all
that challenged and freed.

Life is here, now.

Remembering and Celebrating Flow

Daybreak, oquirrh waters, stones stacked, flow, water

Dana and I walked last weekend along a trail and creek near where we live. We love the simplicity of the creek. And the togetherness.

We left a few little stacked and balanced stones in the evening sun.

I found a few words. And stacked them. Prosed them. It’s a little attention to the simple story in the way that I so often love. And a little reminder of life flowing, and what a celebration that is.

There is 
so much
in this

Go with
and celebrate

For inspiration.