- Winston Churchill — “It may be the worst in the world, except for all the alternatives.”
- If everything is energy, and interaction with a consciousness gives that energy tangible form, what becomes possible? Releasable? #alsobe
UVU Resources — Building Organic Networks
From March 7, 2011 Presentation at Utah Valley University
Making a Difference in Your Community: Building Organic Networks for Positive Change
Resources & Invitations
- Twitter, Facebook (TennesonWoolf)
- Summer Youth Jam / Youth Voices for the Future
- Gathering Social Entrepreneurs
- Monthly Practitioners Circle / SLCEC
- Walk Out Walk On: A Learning Journey into Communities Daring to Live the Future Now(Deborah Frieze, Meg Wheatley)
- Walk Out Walk On Facebook
- From Hero to Host: A Story of Citizenship in Columbus, Ohio (Deborah Frieze, Meg Wheatley)
- Engaging Communities Toolkit
Tweets of the Week
- RT @sltrib: ‘Free Tim, Free Tim,’ protesters chant http://bit.ly/h3exIC
- Chief Wapasha: If you listen & watch the world around you, maybe you will have 1 idea in your life that will be of service to your people
- Returned now from a week of learning on shifting consciousness from a quantum view. Feeling my way through the learning and core stories.
- More important unfoldings in Utah on the global climate crisis trial of activist Tim DeChristopher. Follow #bidder70.
- Yet there is a significant and reasonable defense to disrupting criminals that are already in your house robbing it. #bidder70
- From Yes Magazine on emotions & communications with animals, more on intuitive knowing: http://bit.ly/eLS0wa.
- Beauty in the southwest, the kind of land that I have not seen in other parts of the world. From a drive last week. http://yfrog.com/h5pnjzj
- How you do anything is how you do everything. Rob Sinclair of Conscious Brands (http://bit.ly/fSi9uA) — met at Calgary AoH in January
- #Alsobe. “We are all one consciousness experiencing itself subjectively. We are the imagination of ourselves.” What could real also be?
- All form is energy condensed 2 a slow vibration. #Alsobe. w/ form less static, wow, choice of form is born anew & shifts consciousness.
- RT @shiftingshape: The future is not a place we go, it is a place you get to create. Nancy Duarte
Patience and Purpose
Two references from the book, The Wolf at Twilight: An Indian Elder’s Journey through a Land of Ghosts and Shadows, by Kent Nerburn (with thanks to friend Kathy Jourdain for loaning me the book).
What I like in these is the possibility that arrises as I/we come into listening and feeling the many forms of energy and intelligence in the world. And the power in simplicity.
First, as told about Wapasha, a Sioux Indian Chief, “…, if you keep your mouth shut and watch the world around you, maybe in your life you will have one idea that will be of service to your people.”
Second, as told about Leonardo da Vinci, “One day a man came to watch him work on a painting he was doing of Jesus and his disciples. The man sat there all day, and Leonardo only made one stroke the whole time. ‘You stood there all day and only made one stroke,’ the man said. Leonardo looked at him. ‘Yeah, but it was the right stroke.’”
A few other notions / passages that I loved in this book, and that have me thinking back to some of the Navajo and Athabascan people I’ve worked with, and their perspectives on wholeness.
-“All young men thing they are strong. But something happens to them when they go off to the white man’s world. They go thinking about their people, but they come back thinking only of themselves.”
-“White man’s medicine is okay for sickness in the body. But it can’t do anything about a sick spirit. It’s good for curing, but it isn’t any good for healing.”
-“We didn’t take over anyone’s land because we wanted it. We were pushed onto it by all the damn boat people from Europe filling up the east and pushing us west. We didn’t try to take other people’s land. Stealing other people’s land is a white man’s invention…. I’m not say any of this is your fault or even that your grandparents did any of it. I’m saying it happened, and it happened on your people’s watch. You’re the one who benefited from it. It doesn’t matter that you’re way downstream from the actual events. You’re still drinking the water.”
-“This was the way it was all the time. Everything talked to us. Everything was giving us a message. The stones, the trees, the birds, the grass. That’s why we were trained to keep our mouths shut and our ears and eyes open. I never thought anything of it. It was just the way it was supposed to be.” This one in particular feeds my hunger for learning about what real can also be.