But Lasting — On Friendship

I wrote this poem after a time of having friends in my home for a few days. We were in simple community together. Stories. Meals. Laughs. Tears. Some blue skies. Some early spring leafing of trees.

Got me thinking about family of blood and family of friends.

As an honoring of friendships that are family, I offer this poem.

But Lasting

Thank you friends,
for coming this way,
for these days together
in joy, play, and thoughtful connection.

Those twenty minutes
sharing stories from the day
much different.

I think these are moments
of family,
but lasting.

One Reply to “But Lasting — On Friendship”

  1. “Impermanent but lasting”. I understand this quality but never named it. Thank you for giving words to a feeling I cherish but did not name before your poem named it for me. I will think on this throughout the day and perhaps remember occasions in which this was true.

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