Resources — Poetry

Resources I Use

Holly Masturzo
Lovely harvest on the empty next from a phone conversation.

Mark Nepo
Mark Nepo is a poet and philosopher with a strong leaning to spirituality. I have read some of his book, The Exquisite Risk: Daring to Live an Authentic Life. He sends a weekly thought that I have often found helpful personally and a good tool for inviting presence to start a meeting or to seal the close of a meeting.

Resources I Have Noticed and Would Like to Learn More About

Open Space Technology — Resources

Introduction to Open Space: A paper that Jon Swanson wrote for the Journal of Aboriginal Management called “A Model For Aboriginal Facilitation.”

Action Planning Resources
Chris Corrigan compiled three useful approaches to facilitating action planning in Open Space. The first is his own version of moving to action, the second is Diana Larsen’s approach to prioritizing ideas by impact and energy and the third approach is Jack Martin Leith’s approach to project planning, which he blogged here. The three are in an easy to download .pdf. Enoy.

A couple of video resources from OS Practitioner, Esther Matte.
Watch an Open Space event in a 30-seconds time-lapse video
Short film on Open Space (3 min 34 sec)

“Whatever happens is the only thing that could have happened” — what does this mean? A question from Ashley Cooper. Reflections, hosted by Chris Corrigan, from participants at the July 2008 open space on open space.

Chris Corrigan


Art of Harvesting — Monica Nissen (25 minutes)
June 2007, Nova Scotia

Art of Calling — Phil Cass (32 minutes)
June 2007, Nova Scotia

Chaordic Design — Toke Moeller (15 minutes)

Chaordic Stepping Stones — Toke Moeller (50 minutes)
June 2007, Nova Scotia

Art of Hosting — Healthcare and Columbus — Toke Moeller, Phil Cass (28 minutes)

Harvesting — 6 minutes
December 2007, Brazil


Art of Hosting — Indiana
September 2007

September 9, 2007
A o H Tools: Learning the tools of the trade with Tenneson
September 10, 2007
AI Harvest: The Survivor’s Guide to Getting Lost
Box Turtle: Wendy Jo helps us connect with nature
The Chaordic Path: Learning how to walk the middle path with Chris
Closing: Breathe in your mates…breathe out your mates!
Merry Harvesters: The first breakfast discussion with Chris and the harvesting team
Harvest and Diamond: Exploring the Quest harvest and learning the Diamond of Participation with Chris
The Question Cafe: A real-time listen to what a cafe is like…from the host’s side! (Warning–some quiet spots where I needed to put the recorder down)
Chaord and AI: Reflections on the Chaordic Path and Appreciative Inquiry with Tenneson
Tools of Dance: Exploring dance with Teresa
September 11, 2007
Checking In: Zip, Zap, Zop! Where are my Spiders?
Closing: The emergent closing sentence, and Bodiga Tay revisited
Learning from Example: Stories of Berkana and Columbus, with Tenneson, Teresa and Tuesday
Merrier Harvesters: Breakfast discussion, round two, with Chris and the harvesting team
Opening: Getting started, exploring the Question Cafe harvest
Open Space: An introduction and invitation with Deb
Open Space Harvest: Action Group Headlines
Open Space Session: Exploring Columbus with Tuesday and Jeannel
Open Space Harvest: Harvesting convergence with Chris
Open Space Session: Unleashing (or giving permission to) your emergent leader, with Jeannel, Catherine, Chris, and Deb
September 12, 2007
Checking In: The “hands” poem, passing the candle, community news
Hosting Yourself: Open Space session with Tuesday and Wendy Jo
Merriest Harvesters: Breakfast session three with Chris and the harvesting team
Morning Birdsong: Nature sounds from Wooded Glen
Closing: Quest circle harvest, Fields of Gold farewell, and an empty room over lunch–oops!
Quest Circle: Revisiting our quests near the end
The Five Coughs: Open Space session on the Five Breaths hosted by Chris
Preparing for Home: The question you want asked of you, hosted by Margo
Knowledge Cafe: The toolkit, introducing the Knowledge Cafe, hosted by Tuesday
Welcome Dance: Right left right…left right left…can we do one clap? Hosted by Teresa

Art of Hosting Story


Appreciative Inquiry
Open Space Technology

Complexity — Swarm Theory National Geographic

Video Resources

One Planet — short promotion of living green (forwarded from Manish Jain), noticing that the pattern of consumption and disposal in North America is as if there were five planets rather than one.

Wooshclang — beautiful juggling piece by a Thomas Arthur, a deep soul. There is much to learn in the practice of juggling. Concentration. Play. Soft focus. Creativity. Teamwork. Even for beginners.

Sun Flares — shared by friend Ashley Cooper, whom I met an an Evolutionary Hosts gathering in 2006 on Bowen Island. For me, I feel the sense of being amazed and feeling my imagination awakened by what can be made visible.

Council of Hosts — created by Thomas Arthur, also at the Evolutionary Hosts gathering. This demonstrates a form of harvest that calls on more senses. It is not a collection of notes. It is a beautiful and simple work that harvests energy from the event, amplified by Thomas’ editing and music.

Ultimate Atom — an image that reminds me that we are alive. I love the shape of this. It’s breath.