Overview of Our 2010 Salt Lake Valley Participative Leadership Offerings

1. Community Engagement Conversations: December 12, 2009, January 2010 TBA
2. Monthly Participative Leadership Development Workshops: January – August, 2010 – Skills development, leadership capacity building, applied practice.

3. Art of Hosting and Harvesting Conversations that Matter Training (3.5 Days): September 2010 TBA

  • Deep dive intensive and experiential training.

4. Ongoing Community of Practice: October 2010 – 2011

  • Monthly circles, quarterly learning days, annual multi-day learning and application forums

Summary of Need, Purpose, Limiting Beliefs

Summary of Need and Purpose

  • Many people are living in times of high-level uncertainty.
  • People are hungry for more meaningful work and community.
  • People want to contribute to their local community.
  • Train together in the next level of skills / tools that can be applied to existing and new participant projects. 
  • Foster processes for accessing collective wisdom that moves to collaborative action.
  • Create next levels of leadership consciousness, wellness, resilience, wholeness.

Some Limiting Beliefs

– Fear and weightiness is the only way through if we are serious about change.

Some of the Principles that Guide this Work

  • Invite celebration, joyousness, creativity.
  • Get to do / “get to have to do.”
  • People want renewal together and of what is already in them
  • Whatever the challenge, community is the answer (The Berkana Institute)
  • “The answer to how is yes.” (Peter Block)
  • The wisdom we need is already in the systems where we work and live.
  • “Activate” resonance of leadership in community.
  • Work from the sacred and sense of open mind, open heart, and open will. (Otto Scharmer)
  • Working across boundaries.
  • Innovating.
  • Balancing colearning, building relationships, application to participant projects.
  • People will come out of the wood work — many of us yearn for other ways to work together.
  • Offer what we can. Ask for what we need.
  • Act locally. Connect regionally. Learn trans-globally. 
  • “Just go for it.” Playful experimentation. Start anywhere.
  • Trust the universe.

Contextual Narrative of Context for Practicing Participative Leadership — Questions as Tools

What are the questions we need to ask together on behalf of the future of us who live and work in the Salt Lake Valley? What are the next levels of these questions? What if asking these questions together was the most enduring and strongest leadership act we could offer to each other, to our work teams, and to our community?

All over the world we see unprecedented change. Uncertainty. Challenges. These fill news and media reports. Unemployment. Healthcare reform. Education innovation. These impact everyone. 

Yet, also all over the world, we see groups of people daring to ask the most challenging questions with each other. Daring to explore more deeply together. Daring to take action to make a difference by working and living more democratically. In government. In corporations. In community groups. In families.