A Poem I Like — “A Note”

The author of this poem, Wislawa Szymborska is Polish. She was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1996.

I find myself returning to poetry more these days. It is one of the things that I do when I need to find, amidst the learning that I am in, the ground underneath my feet. I return to beauty, sometimes starting in others, to remember a beauty that I am too.

I am drawn to this poem for the simple references to life experiences, followed by the last line, the simple experience of “not knowing.” That too, is part of life, despite my efforts and others to break it down into knowing.

A Note

Life is the only way
to get covered in leaves,
catch your breath on the sand,
rise on wings;

to be a dog,
or stroke its warm fur;

to tell pain
from everything it’s not;

to squeeze inside events,
dawdle in views,
to see the least of all possible mistakes.

An extraordinary chance
to remember a moment,
a conversation held
with the lamp switched off;

and if only once
to stumble on a stone,
end up drenched in one downpour or another,

mislay your keys in the grass;
and to follow a spark on the wind with your eyes;

and to keep on not knowing
something important.

Generational Cycles — Is This Our Crisis?

I was in conversation today with my friend and colleague Jonathan Gilburg of Gilburg Leadership. It was followup to the Boston Art of Hosting Training that we co-hosted earlier this year.

As we checked-in we shared our awareness of big events happening in the world. In Japan, earthquake followed by tsunamic followed by the potential of nuclear meltdown. In Lybia, further civil war and the impact on democratic uprising in neighboring Arab nations. This is a conversation that can go on, the naming of significant happenings (which also are happening at the level of scale of self, team, community, organizations).

Do they call for us, all / many of us, to be in a different paradigm of thought, understanding, and practice?

I liked Jon’s description, from others that he has read, that perhaps we are in a generational cycle. It is the idea that, when tracked over civilizations, when reaching a significant enough level of crisis (and I believe hope), a new consciousness is born. But that with each shift, the crisis must appear (to help illuminate the accompanying dream). It is not to impose crisis, or intellectually understate the realness of what is happening in day to day lives. It is to notice some of the conditions for emergence.

This is one I’ll continue to watch for. Including the offerings of new thought, understanding, and practice.

Thanks Jon for this stirring.

Tweets of the Week

  • Winston Churchill — “It may be the worst in the world, except for all the alternatives.”
  • If everything is energy, and interaction with a consciousness gives that energy tangible form, what becomes possible? Releasable? #alsobe

UVU Resources — Building Organic Networks

From March 7, 2011 Presentation at Utah Valley University
Making a Difference in Your Community: Building Organic Networks for Positive Change

Resources & Invitations


  • Twitter, Facebook (TennesonWoolf)
  • Summer Youth Jam / Youth Voices for the Future
  • Gathering Social Entrepreneurs
  • Monthly Practitioners Circle / SLCEC
