Dan Brown — The Lost Symbol

Some fantastic reading on this one. Lots of great story. Lots of mystery. Lots of intrigue. And perfect to finish by a pool in California on a Spring Break trip with my kids.

I particularly love these points along the way and in the last ten pages. They feed the kind of learning that I’m really giving attention too. And they remind me of some of the friends I met last year hosting at the Institute of Noetic Sciences conference.

  • Lynne McTaggart on Noetics: “Living consciousness somehow is the influence that turns the possibility of something into something real.”
  • Lynne McTaggart again (Dan Brown mixed in): “The most essential ingredient in creating our universe is the consciousness that observes it.”
  • “The ancient texts are obsessed with the power of the human mind. The Vedas describe the flow of mind energy. The Pistis Sophia describes universal consciousness. The Zohar explores the nature of mind spirit. The Shamanic texts predict Einstein’s remote influence in terms of healing at a difference. It’s all there.”
  • “…about the brain scans taken of yogis while they meditate…the human brain, in advanced states of focus, will physically create a waxlike substance from the pineal gland. This brain secretion is unlike anything else in the body. It has an incredible healing effect, can literally regenerate cells, and may be one of the reasons yogis live so long.

Here’s the kicker for me that rings true, whether in fiction or other forms.

  • “The ancients already knew many of the scientific truths we’re now rediscovering. Within a matter of years, modern man will be forced to accept what is now unthinkable: our minds can generate energy capable of transforming physical matter. Particles react to our thoughts…which means our thoughts have the power to change the world.”

What does that look like in working with groups? That is the edge that I feel compelled to explore.

Tweets of the Week

  • Breakfast on the tree (grapefruit) for the next few days in Palm Springs, California. http://yfrog.com/hsq0alhj
  • RT @PeggyHolman: Ppl who assume that they cn find the information they need when they need it R wired 2 organize their time differently.
  • Mark your calendar for April 13 — treat yourself to Meg and Deborah’s inspiring new book “Walk Out Walk On”: http://bitly.com/i4wAvB
  • If Appreciative Inquiry is “a way to help groups,” Quantum Leadership is “a way to be a wizard with helping groups.”
  • Quantum Leadership is everything from intriguing science fiction to paradigm shifting consciousness in large scale change and dialogue.
  • In times of complexity, appreciative approaches are gateways into knowing what to give attention to and where to start.
  • For those who follow Meg Wheatley, she has an inspiring new book, Walk Out Walk On: http://bitly.com/i4wAvB.
  • Check out this new book, Walk Out Walk On, by my Berkana friend Deborah Frieze. Inspiring stories. Great cause. http://bitly.com/i4wAvB
  • Appreciating a call today with Harville Hendrix on connecting self-organization and creating a movement of networks on healthy couples.

Tweets of the Week

  • http://yfrog.com/h08wqumxj -Ultimate frisbee is an exceptionally cool game. http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ultimate_(sport) Watching now
  • http://yfrog.com/h3lwfokj Enjoyed a morning jog here beside Lake Washington.
  • RT @shiftingshape: Don’t just keep an open mind. Keep an open heart. Don’t just face the facts. Feel the facts.
  • Good to see the NPS Organizational Consulting Group begin to assert itself as possibility-based rather than just putting out fires. Beauty.
  • Steven Wright at NPS on why draw: we have 3 million years of recognizing patterns and only 10,000 years with words.
  • Day 2 with National Park Service OD. Yesterday, grounding in purpose. Today, exploring legacy / what it takes to be well in creating it.

Tweets of the Week

  • Some of what is re-shaping most all of my imagining, my partnering, and my work with groups. http://bit.ly/eR6qD0.
  • RT @iyeshe: Women Moving the Edge 10 – The power of our daughters http://wp.me/p6bhK-4I — beautiful from beautiful friends.
  • Beautiful ponderings from friend Joseph DiCenso of Gilburg Leadership on leading with a broken heart: http://bit.ly/gbbmKu
  • Excited about the release of Deborah Frieze and Margaret Wheatley’s book Walk Out, Walk On: http://on.fb.me/euLc72. April 13 = Big Day