Yup, living a lot of this these days. Taking steps, sometimes. Not taking steps, sometimes. Walking in a fog, sometimes. Walking with found perception, sometimes. Starting, sometimes. Nexting, sometimes.
So, thx Rumi, Persian poet of the 1300s. Thx also Michael Meade (Mosaic Voices) from whom I got this above image.
Of course, the walk is both inner and outer, isn’t it.
Sometimes the wise walk is the momentousness of a first physical step out of bed in the morning. Or that first physical step to get outside. Of that first step to write a paragraph. Or that first step to make coffee. Or that first step to eat a salad. Or that first step to drive to a friend.
Sometimes the walk is the momentousness of the inner first steps, like sitting quietly away from the noise. Or that first step to reflect in a journal. Or that first step to release the grip of the old. Or that first step to claim joy. Or that first step to welcome alchemy again. Or that first step to sing to love again.
Steps. Inner, outer. Walking. Deepening. Delighting.
Life tends to welcome so much to appear — I keep learning.
“Taking steps, sometimes. Not taking steps, sometimes. Walking in a fog, sometimes. Walking with found perception, sometimes.”
Witnessing your journey helps me find the balance in my own. Accepting the “sometimes” … sitting with the “what is” in this moment.
Receiving the peace …
Yup, it’s a journey for many of us. I’m grateful for your witness and for your living Saoirse. And for any of us that continue to welcome Life guiding.