A nod today, to my friend, mentor, and colleague Meg, seen above from an experience in Galapagos. Meg has written ten books over the last thirty years. She writes recently of an overarching theme that glues those books together — seeing with new eyes.
Meg writes, “Since 1992, I have published ten books, given countless talks, and written many dozens of articles. In everything I do and say, using different writing styles, poetry and photographs, I’m inviting seeing the world with new eyes. With a shift in vision, we can see more clearly what’s going on in the complex systems and lives we’ve created. With clear seeing, we develop the capacity to better serve the people and causes we care about. And we develop the confidence and strength necessary to persevere in our right work.“
A nod today for the lasting invitation to see what is less commonly seen. To connect what is less commonly connected. To being in relationship with what is unknown.
Another nod today, to poet and guide, David Whyte. In varied poetry collections that I have, David’s offerings are often ear-marked. I’ve used them to invoke heart and spirit in the work that I do. I’ve used them to grow heartfulness, mine and others. I love his bridging and insisting on soul in corporate work.
From The Heart Aroused (1994) — The poet needs the practicalities of making a living to test and temper the lyricism of insight and observation. The corporation need the poet’s insight and powers of attention in order to weave the inner world of soul and creativity with the outer world of form and matter.
A nod to these teachers in my life, one that I know well and in person. The other that I know only through his writing. Both have guided and encourage this essential orientation of seeing with new eyes and heart, a rather important skill for any of us these days.