Today begins Great Facilitation: An Art of Hosting Intensive. I’m in Denver, Colorado. I’m co-hosting with Erin Gilmore, Chris Chopyak, Katie D’Andrea, and Lea Metz. We are a group of 40 that will convene together over the next three days. That means connection. That means community. That means learning. That means following some mystery. That means creating a bit of mischief. That means practicing a few tools. That means daring to reclaim together a deeper story of who we are as humans and what that has to do with how we are each in varied work and community.
Today’s Design
- Welcome & Context
- Connection & Community (Pairs, Trios)
- Break
- More Connection & Purpose / Key Questions (Cafe)
- Lunch (90 minutes)
- Learning Experientially & Theory (Cynevin)
- Break
- Sense-Making & Application of Cynevin (Cafe)
- Check-Out
A Day to get us started, that weaves us into three integrated days of humans wanting to learn, do good, find more of our way. Glad for that.