I loved these reflections from a group in Circle this week at UTA. I’d asked them to reflect in groups of six, knee to knee (no tables), lightly hosted. Total time was 30-35 minutes.
- They had a check-in round: What is one inspiration or learning you received today?
- Then a bigger round: How are you doing as a leader? What has your attention? and/or worry? and/or your excitement? Share a story.
- Then a check-out round: What is one thing you learned / appreciated from this circle?
Above is some of the harvest. Yummy.
- shared experience — challenges across the board.
- feel less alone — none of us totally have our act together
- allows a bitter understanding of others — and that things are or will be ok
- gives permission to open up — create psychological safety
- reveals opportunities and griefs — to get help and move forward
Leaders need spaces of witness and learning. Humans need it. Circle is so often what offers that.
Yup. Learned and appreciated.