Facilitator Prep Poetry

It’s Day One, with this University Leadership Cohort about to arrive. My colleagues Chris, Caitlin and I get to guide three days of program. Circle. Cafe. Open Space. Pro-Action Cafe. Chaos & Order, Four-Fold Path, The Work. And a bunch of things that live in between.

On a morning like this, sun not yet risen, tucking in a few last details, before heading to the venue,I find I often want to remember values that guide me in the work. Values that anchor and animate clarity of purpose and opportunity.

I often put these into my private journal. Here’s sharing some of that for today, in a bit of prosed form.

So much to learn.
So much to encounter. 
Listen for the needed truth of the day,
the story of our jobs,
the bigger story of humans claiming who we get to be together.

Pay attention 
to the flow 
of just the right things 
arriving at just the right time.

Do good.

Day One. Here we go.

3 Replies to “Facilitator Prep Poetry”

  1. Really like this Tennyson. I hope the session goes well.

    All the best,
    Nancy Barrett (a former participant in the Circle Way training)

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