Yes, that is me, sitting on the back of Reverend Rick Dake, Clarkston, Michigan, United Methodist Church, kneeling underneath me. It is from a February Regional Event that I helped design and host in Orlando, Florida. It was a meeting to honor partnerships and celebrate community associated with Church and Community Ministries.
There are several things that I like about this picture:
- That Rick rescued me. This was during an improv exercise in which the players are tapped out of a scene while the remaining person hold’s their position.
- The laughter that you can see in peoples faces. Part of honoring and celebrating is welcoming ourselves to some play.
- That there is some physical exchange here. Many modalities of engagement work. It’s good to have something physical, beyond the space of conversations and words that represent ideas and thoughts.
- In the center, to the left of Rick, are several items. Flowers, objects, pictures, wishes. Our primary meeting shape was circle. The center, used for our meetings and for worship, was created by participants.
My gratitude to all the people that gathered for this event. Church and Community Workers. Partners. Conference Leaders. Global Ministries Staff and Leadership. To Kathleen Masters, who continues to shepherd a large and inspiring vision within this group. And to Reverend Rick Dake for the seat!