Event completed. Leaders leading. Moving projects along. Community grown. Freshness experienced. Weaving. Learning. Questioning. Enjoying. Applying. Puzzling. Opening. Tucking in. Imagining. Joining. Leading.
All of this goes with working with a group. Thx UTA for these three days together, and for all of the thresholds that make possible these three days. Thx President Cowley. Thx Provost Brown. Thx Cohort 1. Thx Cohort 2. Thx Chris, Caitlin.
And a few words that get to the “remembering” that arises from the programming. I’m glad. And moved.
Sometimes it is our friends that help us remember
who we are at the core.
Old friends that have known us decades.
New friends too, that have known us less than ten hours.
Sometimes it is our communities that help us remember
who we are and how we wish to live.
Old communities that know us through reckonings.
New communities too, that grin at our freshness.
Sometimes it is our work that helps us remember
who we are through our offerings.
Old through-lines that track the timeless.
New starts too, that point to where there isn’t track.
Sometimes it is Life itself that gifts us
memory and clarity.
Old familiarities that beat a home-coming rhythm.
New mysteries too, that sync fresh heartbeats.
Sometimes it is all of the above,
grace emerged.
Organized as it were to love remembered.
Or shaken and stirred to purpose resorted.
“grace emerged”
what a beautiful phrase
“love remembered”
“purpose resorted”
Got it perfectly. A gift of days together. Thanks pal.
Sometimes … 💙