Sometimes (Thx Nicole Frederickson)

Nicole Frederickson is one of my favorite writers / bloggers. I know her from the Fire & Water Rite of Passage Journey and a few other points of connection. I love Nicole’s writing for her insight shared in simple ways that grows from her life living with family, farm, travel, etc. I also appreciate Nicole’s writing because it seems to grow from an overarching commitment to living a life of wonder and curiosity — it all helps me to do similarly.

As I read Nicole’s recent post, it occurred to me that if holistic living / humaning is the intent, then “sometimes” is an important doorway to such desire and commitment. “Sometimes” creates entry, and sometimes exit, to ways of accepting, and a ways of engaging with what is. Even when our brains want to take over (sometimes) with more locked wishes and impositions.

Here’s two paragraphs from Nicole’s post. The rest is a good read with great photos.

“Sometimes, yes, of course, this is adventure is a big outer journey. Sights, sounds, smells, tastes, once in a lifetime experiences, extraordinary humans, yes those. Those which will pop up on my phone memories or those that will stay in my minds eye, where I’ll be able to conjure them up on a not yet existent cold, snowy day in the future. 

And sometimes, this adventure is pretty quiet, it looks like waiting. A lot of waiting. Waiting eight hours to catch the hours long bus to the next place, where we will wait to take the hours long train to the next place, where we throw our packs on our back and walk, sweaty to the next place, where we wait again.”

So, here’s to such lives for any of us — of noticing and being able to welcome the “sometimes.” It’s some of the wisdom that quite compels me. Thx Nicole.

2 Replies to “Sometimes (Thx Nicole Frederickson)”

  1. noticing the “what is” and the encouragement to welcome the “sometimes” … my brain often wants to step in and manage the “whatever” … the impulse from a lifetime of “trying to get it right,” trying to be acceptable and worthy in a world that initially taught me that I was essentially wrong, and essentially unworthy. Sad for me, for time spent trying and managing. But grateful that today I don’t believe everything my brain tries to tell me from the orientation of those old neural pathways. I’ve been creating new neural pathways. Practicing the noticing and the sometimes and gradually leaning into the “longer” pathway down into the ravine and through the brush and discovery of belovedness in that alternate world … trees and rivulets and stones for sitting and “being with.” Being with it all. The trying and managing and resting and stepping back and leaning in. All of it. Thanks, Nicole. Thanks, Tenneson.

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