One Planet — short promotion of living green (forwarded from Manish Jain), noticing that the pattern of consumption and disposal in North America is as if there were five planets rather than one.
Wooshclang — beautiful juggling piece by a Thomas Arthur, a deep soul. There is much to learn in the practice of juggling. Concentration. Play. Soft focus. Creativity. Teamwork. Even for beginners.
Sun Flares — shared by friend Ashley Cooper, whom I met an an Evolutionary Hosts gathering in 2006 on Bowen Island. For me, I feel the sense of being amazed and feeling my imagination awakened by what can be made visible.
Council of Hosts — created by Thomas Arthur, also at the Evolutionary Hosts gathering. This demonstrates a form of harvest that calls on more senses. It is not a collection of notes. It is a beautiful and simple work that harvests energy from the event, amplified by Thomas’ editing and music.
Ultimate Atom — an image that reminds me that we are alive. I love the shape of this. It’s breath.